What is The Psychotherapy Process?

Psychotherapy assists clients increase their self awareness, teaches people about their issues and suggests coping mechanisms as well as new more effective ways to deal with their challenges. Psychotherapy process is rational and logical process that is driven by the goals that clients and therapist have defined, which ultimately designed to enhance clients’ well being.

The counseling process involves the counselor and client exploring together situations where the clients feel stuck, experiencing hurt, or is unhappy, with the purpose of improving their position. The therapy process starts in assessing the situation by understanding how clients’ lives are being affected by their problems. The psychotherapist, at that stage, evaluates how the clients view themselves, as well as how they view each other as well as other relevant people. Together, clients and counselor examine processes and patterns which are related to a clients concerns and develop new and more constructive ways to improve client’s situation or experience.
Most psychotherapy tends to focus on problem solving and is goal-oriented as well as solution focused. Through the guidance of the psychotherapist, the clients define the goals of the therapy and the specific changes they would like to make in their life and relationships. The goals will often be broken down into smaller attainable objectives. Based on that, psychotherapy treatment will focus on helping the clients moving the clients from where they are to where they want to be.

A key factor to successful psychotherapy is clients’ motivation to change and their level of personal responsibility. The greater the responsibility and motivation, the greater change and success can be achieved. Change means altering those aspects of clients’ life that aren’t working for them any longer, or are contributing to their problems or ongoing challenges. A successful therapy, also requires open mind, emotional energy, and commitment. Being ready to change necessitates being ready to explore new ideas and ultimately do work. It is most successful when the clients is willing and able to challenge their existing set of beliefs and willing to act in new ways.

The therapist serves as a catalyst to promote clients’ self-healing, emotional regulation and well-being. He serves as an educator, a coach, a guide, a supporter to help clients move toward their goals. After period of psycho education and training, the therapist gradually need to move the clients from theory to practicality; moving from the their mind to the field of reality; to the experiential domain. This growing process requires the clients to go through discomfort zone, a temporary period of healthy suffering and healthy frustration. Change is not effortless and requires the clients to feel uncomfortable. A good counselor understands each client’s experience and meet them where they are and gradually exposes them to situations to make the clients better. The view of the change process should be long term rather than short term or quick fix perspective. The main goal is to establish change that is sustainable over time rather than a temporarily.

Effective psychotherapy can be transformative and enhance quality of life and relationships. Counseling is used to improve psychological well-being. It is empowering, while fostering resiliency, optimism and responsibility to meet life’s challenges and at the same time promotes personal growth, development and joy.

Please visit author, Moshe Ratson at his google+ Profile: +Moshe Ratson


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