Building Self Confidence through Positive Affirmation

Low confidence correlates with the tendency of focusing on the negatives that confirm a negative view of one ’s self. Individuals with low self confidence rarely pay attention to the positive things they do, their positive qualities, positive outcomes or positive comments from others. Self affirmation is designed to break that negativity and move the focus from negative to positives.

  • I have the power to change myself
  • My thoughts are under my control
  • I can forgive, understand and respect others
  • I can make my own choices and decisions
  • I can build my confidence regardless of the results of my actions
  • I am free to choose to live as I wish and to give priority to my desires
  • I can choose positivity whenever I wish no matter what my circumstances
  • I will do everything within your power to meet my goals, but accept what is beyond my control
  • I am flexible and open to change in every aspect of my life
  • I have the courage to act and do the right thing
  • It is enough to have done my best

Re-read these affirmation and other achievements you write in your journal, reading them over and over with care and consideration. Reflect on what you have written at the end of the day, week, or month. Let all the positive qualities pile up and “sink in.” This is really important so that you learn to be aware of these things and feel more comfortable acknowledging them, rather than just giving them lip-service. Positive affirmations can “re-wire” your brain and give you a feeling of happiness, the power that can help you deal with the challenges you face.

Please visit author, Moshe Ratson at his Google+ Profile:+Moshe Ratson


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