Career Coaching
Page Contents
Shifts in your job situation and the market place create new challenges. Yet, it also opens up opportunities to embrace change and be proactive rather than passively accepting it. If you are considering developing, changing careers or you want to move ahead in your existing field or start a new career, spiral2grow of New York City offers a wide range of coaching tools and programs to help you move from where you are to where you want to be.
Career coaching is designed to work with action-oriented individuals who are interested in improving their career skills and strategies that suit their interests and talents so that they can gain greater resourcefulness. spiral2grow highly skilled coaches, that are lead by Moshe Ratson, can help you explore and define (re-define) your professional goals, develop and take action steps to get there, and make practical changes to lead you to a greater career success and satisfaction.
Moshe Ratson (MS MFT, MBA, LMFT) is committed to helping both individuals and organizations clarify and communicate their most powerful vision and message, refine it and monetize it in leveraged programs through multiple media to reach the optimal career and position.
spiral2grow clients end up in long term satisfying positions that are a reflection of their underlying desire, goals and values; whether they came to get clarity about a career change, to grow within their current industry, improve their performance, or simply to find a new position.
Career Coaching Overview

Career Coaching Process
Career coaching is an interactive process of exploring work-related issues – leading to effective action – in which the coach acts as both a catalyst and facilitator of individual and, in turn, organizational development and transformation. Career coaches connect people with their passion, purpose, values and other critical aspects of their ideal work. They build capability in their clients, thereby increasing the client’s awareness, purpose, competence and well-being regarding their desired work. They also facilitate the client’s process of developing and implementing a job search or business start-up plan to activate the client’s Authentic Vocation.
In today’s economy, it is increasingly rare for a person to stay in the same career for the entirety of his or her working life. Making a career change, whether consciously chosen or by being downsized or laid off, is inherently stressful and challenging. Old ways of thinking must be reconstructed into a new idea of oneself- one that is adaptive, creative and more congruent with needs experience, ability, and desires.
Benefits of Career Coaching
Career coaching has many benefits and provides practical tools that will enable you to:
- Work on personal/work challenges
- Capture and capitalize on opportunities
- Market and better position yourself
- Explore career options
- Establish effective networking
- Build Interviewing skills
- Negotiate job offers
- Gain life-work balance satisfaction
- Determine new career path
- Improve performance
- Define align your skills to your career aspirations
- Crystallize the value you bring to the marketplace
- Transition effectively in to new position/promotion
- Develop better relationships with co-workers
- Develop entrepreneurial business skills
In addition to the above, the coach helps the coachee:
- Get your career in the right track
- Implement career action plan
- Work through the inevitable challenges of career path
- Maintain a healthy balance between personal and professional life
- See emerging opportunities and capitalize on them
- Recognize and exhibit strengths and talents
- Keep focused on personal needs, values, and visions
The Coaching Relationship

Set Your Career Right
In the coaching relationship, the coaches’’ intention is to work alongside of you, holding your vision of your self and your life, to accomplish your greatest dreams and realize your deepest desires. The coach will serve many roles for you including sounding board, motivator, facilitator, guide, mirror, intuitive, and confidant. The coaching relationship is a sacred space that serves as an incubator for the changes you wish to see in your life.
Through the coaching relationship and process, Clients learn how to:
- Identify and articulate obstacles to success
- Move from breakdown to breakthrough
- Enhance self-awareness, accountability and perseverance
- Set goals and achieve results
Why Hiring a Career Coach?
You hire a career coach because you want to improve the quality of your career by directing or redirecting your focus and energy. You want more awareness, ease and clarity for yourself, career and your relations. You want to grow through support, personal insight and understanding. You want to live your career and life intentionally.
Your career coach will assist you to:
- Discover who you are and what really motivates you!
- Set and achieve proactive, powerful goals rather than just reacting to life!
- Create the life and career you want to follow your passions, priorities, and talents!
- Gain a professional guide that would support you and facilitate your process toward goal achievement.
- UNLEASH THE POWERS WITHIN YOU, to accomplish more than you ever thought possible!
Issues that Career Coaching Can Help
Career coaching provides practical tools to enhance your career. The following are only a few examples of the subject matter coaching can help:
- Re-enter work force
- Change profession
- Develop work skills
- Become more resourceful
- Enhance performance
- Discover your vocational passion
- Advance within your profession
- Manage a difficult co-worker or boss
- Capitalize on job opportunities
- Career enhancement
Career Evaluation: Questions for Reflection
- Do you understand your role in the organization?
- Does supervision acknowledge your contributions?
- Do you expect greatness from yourself and others? Are you an integral part of an outstanding work group?
- Are your assignments challenging and exposing you to a variety of experiences that develop you personally and professionally?
- Are you contributing to continuous improvement, team building, conflict management and the professional development of others?
- Are your growth and advancement underdeveloped?
- Are you feeling that you are not fitting in your current workplace and may need to move within your organization or move to another organization?
- If you are self-employed, is it time to seek employment? If employed, is it time to look at entrepreneurial opportunities?
- Do you feel like an innocent victim of rampant change in your organization and world?
- Has politics or the need for expediency affected your decisions?
- Do you feel that it is difficult to do what is right?
- Are your efforts and accomplishments worth what you are being compensated?
- Where does your work fit in comparison to other life priorities? Is your work affecting your health or relationships negatively?