Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT)
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spiral2grow Marriage Family Therapy, a leading provider of EFT – Emotionally Focused Therapy for couples in NYC, has psychotherapists that include emotionally focused – EFT – counselors, who are expert in the EFT approach and its application in couples therapy as well as marriage therapy. spiral2grow, located in midtown Manhattan in New York City offers Emotionally Focused Treatment for couples who are interested in healing, rebuilding, improving and enhancing their relationship. spiral2grow also provides other therapeutic modalities.
Emotionally focused therapy for couples – overview
Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) is an evidence-based therapy. It is one of the most effective treatment for couples facing history of trauma, depression, grief, abuse, chronic illness, eating disorders, and PTSD. EFT for couples was developed by Dr. Leslie Greenberg and Dr. Susan Johnson. The modality developed out of the humanistic and experiential philosophy with its emphasis on the importance on emotional experience. In this modality the key is to create a safe environment in each individuals in the relationship feel safe and secure, which allow personal growth and improvement of the relationship. Attitude of non-judgmental and compassionate is elementary ingredient in which couples encourage to explore and experiment. As EFT was developed specifically for couples, the model incorporated systems theory, which understands individual experience in terms of interactional cycles and interpersonal contexts. By conceptualizing primary adult relationships as attachment bonds, EFT targets the issues of emotional engagement and security that are relevant for so many distressed couples.
Goal of EFT
The goal of Emotionally Focused Therapy is to provide both partners with a “safe haven,” a “secure base,” in provide sense of comfort and stability for the purpose of supporting individual autonomy, especially during time of crisis. EFT recognizes individual issues in crisis and that to prevent the natural response to it with distress to a lack of security in attachment relationships. The automatic (even unconscious) and unhealthy reactivity to the distress is reflected in a couple’s vicious cycle, as each partner’s desire to fulfill his or her attachment needs, this attempt triggers the other partner.
How EFT Helps
EFT is now one of the leading forms of couples therapy. EFT emphasizes a healthy emotional engagement, secure attachment, and positive responsiveness between partners in constructive relationships. In a survey conducted, 70% of couples receiving EFT recover from relationship distress and 90% of them have shown high degree of improvement. Many of them were described their new dynamics beyond just improvement to enhancement. EFT builds the necessary relationship skills to related to each other with compassion, communicate with care and emotionally connect while encourage deescalation. It clearly emphasizes personal responsibility and proactivity. It allows couples to overcome viscus cycle, negative, repetitive, and rigid patterns of interaction that prevent them from having a closer and more caring relationship. The process of EFT allows a deeper understanding of their own and each other’s feelings, and to find new ways of being with each other that facilitate a stronger bond and a more fulfilling connection.
EFT explores and identifies the cycle in terms of behaviors and then in terms of underlying feelings and needs. Couples are helped to access and process emotion using interventions such as reflecting, validating, heightening, and emphatic exploration. Interactions are restructured as the problematic cycle is tracked, explored, and reframed to highlight the partners’ importance to each other as well as their longing for a secure connection. As partners’ de-escalate, EFT therapists support them in both expressing more vulnerable emotions and in responding to each other in an attuned and responsive way.
EFT Benefits
Couples facing challenges in their relationship can overcome common obstacles that create distress, including:
recovering from infidelity and affairs
lack of intimacy, passion and sexuality
clashes about finances and money
negative cycle dynamics, unproductive, hurtful arguments
parenting as well as in-law issues
Main Concepts of EFT
Read more about couples therapy in New York City.
When to Use Emotionally Focused Therapy

Couples and families in distress can benefit from EFT and learn to improve their relationships. Often, clients are dealing with anger, fear, loss of trust, or sense of betrayal in their relationship. EFT has also been proven effective for couples who are having trouble coping with their own illness or that of a child. In addition to helping the distressed relationship, EFT can also help reduce individual symptoms of trauma, anxiety and depression.
Research examining outcomes for couples who have participated in emotionally focused therapy shows the therapy decreases distress within relationships and partners interact in more successful ways. Follow-up studies conducted with those who participated in emotionally focused therapy showed the positive effects of the treatment continued for years after the therapy concluded.